Otisco Lake Park Otisco NY

Otisco Lake Park Otisco NY with addresses, phone numbers, web pages, more.

   Links above for following state and county parks: Beaver Lake Nature Center
Carpenter's Brook Fish Hatchery
Chittenango State Park
Clark Reservation
Green Lake State Park
Highland/Spafford Forest
Jamesville Beach Park
Oneida Shores
Onondaga Lake Park
Otisco Lake Park
Pratt's Falls
Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Salt Museum
Verona Beach State Park
Six flags amusement parks

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Otisco Lake Park Otisco NY

Otisco Lake Park
Open daily from dawn to dusk

The 3 acre site includes shoreline commemorative benches, majestic evergreens, and hundreds of feet of great fishing access. The prime Otisco Lake Park property is a gift to Onondaga County from the estate of the late Waldemar F. and Marjory G. Hirsch, who inherited the land from Hirsch's mother and lived on the site in a one story house.

Dogs Allowed
In accordance with New York State law all dogs must be restrained by a leash or chain not more than six feet in length, every dog owner must have a dog license tag attached to their dog’s collar and it shall be the duty of each dog owner or person having possession, custody or control of a dog to remove any feces left by his or her dog on any public park property.

The north end is noted for good panfishing, bass fishing, and tiger musky fishing. Walleye fishing is good during the spring, early summer, and fall. Brown trout can be caught in the spring by trolling. Tiger musky are most often caught in the weedbeds at the north and south ends. The north end usually freezes over most winters and offers good ice fishing.

Otisco Lake Park Scenery

Otisco Lake Park Scenery

Otisco Lake Park
2525 Otisco Valley Road
Marietta, NY 13110
(315) 689-9367
Fax: (315) 689-6536

For more info, latest info, the latest hours, programs/events, etc. - go to
Otisco Lake Park

Otisco Lake Park is a carry-in, carry-out facility with a five-car parking area. Swimming is not allowed.

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Otisco Lake Park Otisco NY